It also has a feature called ‘Channels.’ Via the Telegram channel, you can send a message to multiple users simultaneously. Much like Facebook groups, users need to join the Telegram channel to access the content published by one or more channel administrators. It’s worth noting that Telegram channels are entirely different from Telegram groups. Telegram groups were designed for conversation, whereas the Channels were designed for broadcasting messages to a large audience. Unlike groups, only the channel owner or the admin can post to the channel. Telegram channels were available for anything and everything. You will find Telegram channels for news, sports, movies, music, eBooks, and more. You can download content from Telegram channels like Movies, TV shows, etc., and whatever that had been shared. Also Read: How to Hide Your Profile Picture in Telegram for Android

Steps to Find & Join Telegram Channels on Android

This article will share a detailed guide on how to find and join Telegram channels on Android smartphones. So, let’s check out. Step 1. First of all, click on this link to open the Telegram Channels website on your web browser.

Step 2. The homepage will show you different categories. Just select the category based on your topics and interest. For example, here I have picked ‘Entertainment.’ Step 3. Now you will find hundreds of entertainment channels.

Step 4. To join any channel, tap on the Channel name and tap on the ‘Subscribe’ button.

Step 5. Now you will be redirected to the Telegram app. Just tap on the ‘Join’ button to join the channel.

Step 6. To leave a channel, open the channel you want to leave and tap on the three dots. From the drop-down menu, select the option ‘Leave Channel’.

Step 7. If you already know a channel name, then you can utilize the Telegram search to join the channel. That’s it! You are done. This is how you can find and join Telegram channels on Android. So, this article is all about how to find and join telegram channels on Android. I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts related to this, let us know in the comment box below.

How to Find   Join Telegram Channels On Android - 89How to Find   Join Telegram Channels On Android - 23How to Find   Join Telegram Channels On Android - 78How to Find   Join Telegram Channels On Android - 79How to Find   Join Telegram Channels On Android - 18