Anna Koselke

Catching Bugs in Coral Island

The first thing you need to catch bugs is a bug net. You will get a letter prompting you to visit Sunny’s Beach Shack (pictured on the map below). This should happen after an in-game day or so of playing. After receiving the letter, be sure to go to their shop and you should get both a bug net and a fishing rod. If your inventory is full, these items will be sent to your mailbox back at your farm. Now that you have a bug net, you can catch bugs! Walk slowly toward any bug you see and click toward it to aim the net. If you fail the first catch, try again until the bug is fully alert and escaping. After getting the normal bug net and using it like this, you may notice your aim is difficult to control. If you find yourself having trouble, you can go back to the beach shack and buy an improved bug net that offers a cone to show where you are aiming.

What to Do With Bugs

Once you have caught a bug, you can donate it to the museum or sell it! If it is your first time catching that certain kind, we recommend you donate it. With this guide, you should now be on your way to becoming an expert at catching bugs in Coral Island. Be sure to check out our other Coral Island content, including how to get more clothes and all ore types.

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