As many of you will know, cryptocurrency mining takes a good amount of requirement of the device in which you want to mine, the hardware specifications have to be very good. That’s why a great server like Tesla, in which we find a very high power to process all the data we find in the company, is one of the main objectives of the hackers.

Tesla hacked to mine cryptocurrencies

This breach of security already discovered a couple of weeks ago by the security firm itself, put the whistle in the sky for all those companies that maintain servers in AWS and other distributors. All of them could be victims of an attack after the access credentials were leaked. These credentials had no known owner, at least for now we all know is Tesla. It is really amazing how the hackers themselves attacked the Tesla server with the sole objective of taking full advantage of its calculation capacity and not to steal important data from the company, as it has been pointed out in the study, Tesla had important information not encrypted on that server. This is a task that must be borne in mind since today there are many companies (more than 70%) that use large capacity cloud servers. These companies, in most cases, do not have a security system safe enough for this type of attack. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.