Google Computers Can Qualify as Drivers, says US

Previously Google’s Self Driving Car unit submitted their self driving car project which no longer needed a human driver. The decision will help Google’s application to take a car that has “no need for a human driver” onto the road, the letter to Google from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Chief Counsel Paul Hemmersbaugh said. NHTSA’s letter stated that “NHTSA will interpret ‘driver’ in the context of Google’s described motor vehicle design as referring to the (self-driving system), and not to any of the vehicle occupants,” Driver-less cars may create licensing or legal landscape problems. The Motoring law are written with human managed vehicles, vehicle makers and tech companies are moving forward that can take control, if they are allowed on road. However, presently Google’s Self Driving cars are permitted to operate on Roads of California where they are currently tested. Google’s Self Driving Cars must also have a person having proper driving licence and able to control it in the event of emergency. That means Google’s Self Driving Cars can be also controlled by an individual. According to NHTSA, Google and the authority will work together until they show that the Human Driver as well as Google System can drive the car. It seems that Google Computer’s may soon replace human drivers in Cars. Google is not the sole tech company working on Self Driving Cars. Its rivals include Toyota, Tesla, Uber and few more companies that are working on a technology which may soon replace Human Drivers. Do give your opinions about the driver-less cars which may soon roll on the roads.