Before the release of Prisma app for Android, there were fake versions of different types of Prisma, some of which include dangerous Trojan Downloaders, which flooded the Google Play store. After ESET information Google removed all the malicious fake apps, but before being removed by the tech giant Google, ESET said that these false copies have been already downloaded by the users over 1.5 million times. The Prisma app is an original photograph editor created by the Prisma Labs, Inc. After receiving excellent ratings given by iTunes users, which was originally released first for the iOS, then the Android users were eagerly waited for “their” version. But even before the official release date, the fake versions emerged in the store to feed the impatience of those who waited. Most fake Prisma apps found in the Google Play store had no photo editing functionality, in its place, it simply arose ads and publicity directed to fake inquiries made to obtain personal information of the user provided data of credit cards and even the signature of very expensive SMS services. ESET MobileSecurity service detected these Android apps as fake apps and thus protected the users. said the ESET security researcher, Lukas Stefanko. The most dangerous and false apps of Prisma were found on the Google Play before the official output, they were Trojan downloaders detected by the security company ESET as Android app/TrojanDownloader.Agent.GY. Simply, these fake apps could forward information about the device and the data stored on the device to the C & C server on request to download additional modules and then execute them. Due to its download capabilities, the Android / malware family TrojanDownloader.Agent.GY constitutes a serious risk for over 10,000 Android users who installed these dangerous apps before they were deleted from the Google Play store. We knew that the Prisma app was much awaited by the Android users due to its popularity on the iOS platform. These situations usually attract criminals who launch false or fake applications – as imitations with various derivations from tutorials cheats, hence taking the advantage of the wave of enthusiasm and openness of the Google Play store.

ESET Discovered Fake Versions Of Prism App On Google Play - 68