See the Girl’s Message which she had reportedly posted on Instagram. The Washington Post states that the girl studying in Sidney Lanier Middle School in Fairfax had reportedly posted a message in December which consisted the words “Killing, “meet me in the library Tuesday”. “meet me in the library Tuesday” ? ? ? The search warrant stated that this started on December 14, when Resource Officer at Sidney Lanier Middle School was informed about the threatening post made by the student. Later, the officer started questioning the students and started the work to get the IP Address of the user who posted the controversial message. However, the name of the student wasn’t disclosed as she was juvenile accused of crimes. The Search Warrant also says that the girl has confessed to the authorities that she used the name of other student in posting the controversial message on Instagram. She was charged with “Threatening the School” and “Computer Harassment”. Spokesperson for Fairfax County School said that this threat was considered “Not Credible”. The accused girl had to visit Juvenile Court of the charges at the end of the month. However, Washington Times states that it is unsure whether the case has been solved or not as the court hearings are not open to the General Public. The mother of the accused girl said that she posted this message in answer to being harassed at the school. Using certain emoji has created trouble for the 12 year old girl, and it is unsure whether the case has been solved or not. Leave your comments below about the girl who is accused of threatening her school by emojis.